Spring League will take place from March 28th- May 16th. There will be no practices. Players will be placed on teams and will play games on Friday evenings. Numbers, teams, and coaches will dictate if divisions are playing 5 on 5 or 4 on 4. The smaller sided games will allow for more space on the floor and more touches for each player.
Due to gym space this league could have the potential to SELL OUT. Below are the maximum numbers that we are able to hold in this league. Last year we accepted 200 girls and we have built in room for growth yet again.
The 2nd/3rd division can accept 64registrants (8 teams of 8) and will likely play at Pennwood Middle School, this could be subject to change from week to week.
The 4th/5th division can accept 64 registrants (8 teams of 8) and will play at Pennwood Middle School
The 6th-8th division can accept 64 registrants (8 teams of 8).
In the event that one of the division does not fill up, we will add players and teams in other divisions as long as we have coaches to lead the teams. The number of teams in each division is equal to the number of coaches we will need to volunteer to support the Spring League. Once the max number of players is registered, the registration link on the website will be deactivated. At that time, we place another link on the site for people to join the waiting list.
Players will wear their LFE Pinnies from the Winter Season. One referee will officiate the games and on LFE staff member will run the clock and scoreboard.